How Can 9 Jiu Jitsu Workouts Improve Your Grappling Skills?

 Jiu Jitsu, a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting, demands a unique blend of strength, endurance, flexibility, and technical skill. To truly excel, practitioners must incorporate a variety of workouts into their training regimen to enhance their grappling abilities. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, the right workouts can make a significant difference. This article explores nine effective jiu jitsu workouts that can improve your grappling skills, with an emphasis on the benefits of using both long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards during training.

1. Strength Training

Importance: Strength is a fundamental component of Jiu Jitsu. A strong body allows you to execute techniques with power and control your opponent more effectively.

Workout Routine:

  • Compound Exercises: Focus on exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups. These movements work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, building overall strength.
  • Specificity: Incorporate exercises that mimic Jiu Jitsu movements. For example, Turkish get-ups and kettlebell swings can enhance your ability to transition between positions.

Benefits: Building strength through targeted workouts enables you to maintain dominant positions, escape from bad ones, and apply submissions with greater force. Wearing a long sleeve rash guard during these workouts can provide extra grip and reduce skin irritation from the weights.

2. Endurance Training

Importance: Jiu Jitsu matches can be grueling, requiring sustained effort over several minutes. Endurance training ensures you can maintain high levels of performance throughout a match.

Workout Routine:

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Perform exercises like burpees, sprints, and battle ropes in short, intense bursts followed by brief rest periods.
  • Circuit Training: Combine multiple exercises into a circuit with minimal rest between sets to keep your heart rate elevated.

Benefits: Improved endurance allows you to outlast your opponent and maintain technical precision even when fatigued. Opting for short sleeve rash guards during these intense sessions can help keep you cool and comfortable.

3. Flexibility and Mobility Training

Importance: Flexibility and mobility are crucial for executing techniques smoothly and preventing injuries. A flexible body can maneuver more efficiently on the mat.

Workout Routine:

  • Dynamic Stretching: Incorporate leg swings, arm circles, and hip rotations into your warm-up to prepare your body for movement.
  • Yoga: Practice poses that enhance flexibility, such as the pigeon pose for hip flexibility and the downward-facing dog for overall body flexibility.

Benefits: Improved flexibility and mobility enable you to perform submissions and escapes with greater ease. Long sleeve rash guards can provide extra protection during stretching exercises, reducing the risk of mat burns.

4. Grip Strength Training

Importance: Grip strength is vital in Jiu Jitsu for controlling your opponent, executing chokes, and maintaining grips on the gi.

Workout Routine:

  • Farmer's Walks: Carry heavy weights in each hand and walk for a set distance or time.
  • Pull-Up Variations: Perform pull-ups with different grips, such as towel pull-ups or using a thick bar.

Benefits: Enhanced grip strength allows you to maintain control over your opponent and secure submissions more effectively. Using long sleeve rash guards during grip training can protect your forearms from abrasions.

5. Agility Training

Importance: Agility allows you to move quickly and change directions efficiently, essential for executing techniques and transitioning between positions.

Workout Routine:

  • Ladder Drills: Perform drills using an agility ladder to improve footwork and coordination.
  • Cone Drills: Set up cones in various patterns and practice quick changes of direction.

Benefits: Improved agility helps you to evade attacks and set up techniques with precision. Short sleeve rash guards are ideal for agility training as they offer freedom of movement and breathability.

6. Cardio Conditioning

Importance: Cardiovascular conditioning is crucial for maintaining energy levels and stamina during prolonged grappling sessions.

Workout Routine:

  • Running: Incorporate both steady-state and interval running into your routine.
  • Cycling: Use a stationary bike or outdoor cycling to improve cardiovascular endurance without the impact on your joints.

Benefits: Better cardio conditioning enables you to stay active and responsive throughout a match. Short sleeve rash guards are perfect for cardio workouts, providing comfort and reducing overheating.

7. Core Strength Training

Importance: A strong core is essential for balance, stability, and generating power in Jiu Jitsu techniques.

Workout Routine:

  • Planks: Perform various plank exercises, including side planks and plank holds with arm/leg lifts.
  • Russian Twists: Sit on the floor with your feet off the ground, twisting your torso from side to side while holding a weight.

Benefits: Enhanced core strength improves your ability to control your body and apply techniques effectively. Long sleeve rash guards can provide extra support and protection during core workouts.

8. Technique Drilling

Importance: Repetition of techniques ensures muscle memory and precision during live sparring.

Workout Routine:

  • Partner Drills: Practice specific techniques with a partner, focusing on perfecting each movement.
  • Solo Drills: Use grappling dummies or shadow grappling to drill techniques when a partner is unavailable.

Benefits: Consistent technique drilling hones your skills and increases your confidence in executing techniques during live matches. Wearing rash guards, both long sleeve and short sleeve, can protect your skin during repetitive drilling.

9. Live Sparring

Importance: Live sparring is the closest simulation to an actual match and is essential for testing your skills under pressure.

Workout Routine:

  • Positional Sparring: Start in specific positions and work to escape or submit your partner.
  • Full-Roll Sparring: Engage in full matches to practice transitioning between techniques and strategies.

Benefits: Live sparring provides invaluable experience and helps you apply what you've learned in a dynamic environment. Long sleeve rash guards can offer extra protection during intense sparring sessions, while short sleeve rash guards provide greater freedom of movement.


Incorporating a variety of workouts into your Jiu Jitsu training regimen can significantly enhance your grappling skills. Strength training, endurance training, flexibility and mobility exercises, grip strength workouts, agility drills, cardio conditioning, core strength routines, technique drilling, and live sparring all contribute to a well-rounded Jiu Jitsu practitioner. Whether you prefer long sleeve rash guards for extra protection or short sleeve rash guards for increased mobility, the right gear can complement your training and keep you comfortable.

By consistently working on these nine types of workouts, you'll develop the physical and technical attributes needed to excel in Jiu Jitsu. Remember, progress takes time and dedication, so stay committed to your training and enjoy the journey of becoming a better grappler.


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